This historic Brochure reproduction provides photographs and information about the Poudre Valley National Bank in Fort Collins, Colorado. Poudre Valley National Bank: Fort Collins History Connection

The Poudre Valley National Bank of Fort Collins

We thank you for spending your time with us on this opening day. We trust you will enjoy visiting our new home and inspecting our changes and improvements. We want you to feel welcome at all times and invite you to make The Poudre Valley National Bank your first thought whenever you require any banking service.


H.N. Bales - President
F.J. Shantz - Vice President
John D. Hartman - Vice Pres. and Trust Officer
Louis R. Olsen - Cahier
Morris D. Miller - Asst. Cashier and Manager, Personal Loan Department
H.C. Shepherd - Assistant Cashier


H.N. Bales
Ferd S. Markley
S.D. Hall
Louis R. Olsen
John D. Hartman
Grover Peyton
Ralph W. McMurry
F.J. Shantz
Clayton W. Watkins


A.F. Schroer, Teller - General Books
Austin W. Allison, Teller - Savings Deposits
Jack P. Bowman, Teller - Collections
Wm. R. Launchbaugh, Teller - Drafts
W.F. Neighbors, Teller - Bonds
Wilbur R. Frey, Teller - Savings Bonds
M.V. Pellow, Teller - Drive-Up Window
Peggy S. Dalke, Teller
Harold E. Syas, Asst. Mgr. - Pers. Loan Dept.
Julia S. Damm, Secretary
Frances O. Widger, Secretary - Pers. Loan Dept.
Ruth E. Swayne, Secretary - Pers. Loan Dept.
Bobbie C. David, Secretary - Trust Dept.
Jill V. Jordan, Attendant, Safe Deposit Boxes
Bonnie M. Burns, Bookkeeper
Elaine H. Call, Bookkeeper
Mary E. Greenwall, Bookkeeper
Barbara L. McClelland, Bookkeeper
Laura K. Mercer, Bookkeeper
Lucille E. Nichols, Bookkeeper
Margaret L. Butow, Proof Clerk
Barbara L. Eades, Proof Clerk
M. Jean Webber, Proof Clerk
Ellen McClelland, Statement Clerk
Lucile A. Stocker, Statement Clerk
LeRoy C. Dyekman, Field Man
J.A. Mobley, Building Custodian
Donald R. Roscoe, Teller, on leave of absence with the United States Air Force

Officers Poudre Valley National Bank c. 1932
Officers Poudre Valley National Bank c. 1932

Bank Brochure, 1953
Bank Brochure, 1953


Fort Collins Museum of Discovery          Poudre River Public Library District
Preserving the history of Fort Collins, Colorado & the Cache la Poudre region