Historic Designations

Historic Designations

This database contains a near-complete list of Fort Collins historic properties that are listed as Local Landmarks, on the Colorado State Register of Historic Properties, and/or on the National Register of Historic Places. This online list includes the historic name of the property, the address, the types of historic designation, site numbers, and designation dates, and a brief description of the property.

Other Helpful Resources

Landmark Designation Vertical Files at the Fort Collins Local History Archive
CityDocs - Search online city ordinances for specific addresses and associated Fort Collins Landmark paperwork.
Fort Collins Historic Preservation Department - View an up-to-date list of Fort Collins Landmarks as well as local sites on the State Register of Historic Properties and the National Register of Historic Places.


Historic First Baptist Church
Kissock Block Building
Colorado & Southern Freight Depot
Clammer-Juel House
Cunningham Corner Barn
D. Watrous House
Fort Collins High School
Harmony Mill
Avery House
Giddings Machine Shop, 401 Pine Street
Gill-Nelson Farm, 5529 South Timberline Road
Fort Collins Municipal Railway Birney Safety Streetcar #21

Fort Collins Museum of Discovery          Poudre River Public Library District
Preserving the history of Fort Collins, Colorado & the Cache la Poudre region