An interior view of the Fay Bosworth & Company Market, located at 257 Linden Street, c. 1890

News Flashbacks

A Model Market

The Handsome New Quarters of Benham & Co. on Linden Street
Author Unknown

Fort Collins Express February 15, 1890

An interior view of the Fay Bosworth & Company Market, located at 257 Linden Street, c. 1890

W. R. Benham & Co. are now located in their new quarters, the building formerly occupied by W. S. Bernheim, on Linden Street.

It would be difficult to find a neater or convenient market than this one. The entire lower part of the building has been refinished, the woodwork in it's natural color and the walls painted. A large rock stands in the center of the room, conveniently divided off, in the different compartments of which the freshest vegetables that can be obtained are constantly kept. A pretty fountain is kept constantly playing upon a tempting display of the crispest celery, radishes and many other small garden vegetables. Hanging along the north side of the room is a handsome array of dressed beef, mutton, pork, etc.

Near the entrance on the south wall is a series of shelving upon which is displayed a large assortment of canned and bottled goods

A few paces farther and one comes to the cozy office, with glass panels reaching entirely around the compartment.

A large room in the rear is used as a sausage manufactory. This is provided with a steam engine of four-horse power, which runs the large and latest improved chopping machine. This department is in the hands of an experienced sausage maker.

This firm takes great pains in selecting their animals for the slaughter, and only the very best are purchased for that purpose.

Another feature that will recommend this market to the public is the great care taken to keep everything cleanly. No pains will be spared in this direction.

This firm is composed of W. R. Benham and Louis Wetzler, who are too well known to require an introduction at our hands.

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