Hottel House Entry Hall

Woman in period dress at hall tree mirror
Woman in period dress at hall tree mirror

Looking up stairs at stained glass window
Looking up stairs at stained glass window

Woman in period dress on stairs, door to right is music room
Woman on stairs, door to right is music room

Hall tree on south wall; door to left
is study, to right is dining room

Map of the Entry Hall
Map of the Entry Hall

Grandfather clock on north wall
Grandfather clock on north wall; door to left is music room, to right is living room

Lighted sculptered newel post on bannister
Lighted sculptered newel post on bannister

Front entrance doors on east wall
Front entrance doors on east wall,
door to left is living room

Face of grandfather clock on north wall
Face of grandfather clock on north wall

Entry Hall |  Living Room |  Music Room |  Dining Room |  Study
Northeast Bedroom |  Southeast Bedroom & Bath |  Southwest Bedroom
Benjamin Hottel Biography |  Welcome

Fort Collins Museum of Discovery          Poudre River Public Library District
Preserving the history of Fort Collins, Colorado & the Cache la Poudre region