Time Line Reference Sources

The Detailed Time Line links are to a chronological index of Fort Collins information compiled by Fort Collins Museum volunteers in the 1990s. There are excerpts from local and Denver newspapers, local and Colorado history books, and museum and library scrapbooks and vertical files.This information can be used as a Time Line or as a finding aid for topical and biographical information found in these various resources. The following book and microfilmed newspaper sources were used for this Time Line and can be found at the Poudre River Public Library District:



Fort Collins Standard
Fort Collins Courier
Fort Collins Express
Fort Collins Express-Courier
Fort Collins Coloradoan
Triangle Review

The Scrapbook sources are either in the Library or Museum as noted in the Time Line. The referenced articles from the Denver Post  and its' Empire Magazine  are only available on microfilm at the Denver Public Library.

pre-1860 |  1860 |  1870 |  1880 |  1890 |  1900 |  1910 |  1920 |  1930 |  1940 |  1950 |  1960 |  1970 |  1980 |  2000
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Fort Collins Museum of Discovery          Poudre River Public Library District
Preserving the history of Fort Collins, Colorado & the Cache la Poudre region